Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Devotional - Devocional de Navidad

One thing that I love every year about Christmas is the First Presidency Devotional. Every year, the music, talks, and stories, help me focus on my Savior, Jesus Christ and how I can make the most of this Christmas season. For those who did not get to see it, you can go here to watch this wonderful broadcast.
Una cosa que a mi me encanta cada año es la Devocional de Navidad de la Primera Presidencia. Cada año la música, discursos, y cuentos me ayudan a enfocarme en mi Salvador, Jesucristo y como puedo tener una Navidad buena. Para ellos que no pudieron verlo, pueden ir aquí para mirar esta bonita devocional. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

True Meaning of Christmas

Many times during the Christmas season, we become preoccupied with other things that we lose our focus on the true reason for Christmas: Christ. I know there are times I get caught up in what I need to buy for my siblings or finals that need to be taken or what dessert to make for such and such party. But, I also know that when we keep our focus on Christ, our Savior, who was born to die for us, we are so much more blessed. When we remember our King of kings, our Lord of lords, our Redeemer, we keep the spirit of Christmas and feel peace in our hearts and love for others. When we have this, Christmas is a wonderful time of year.

I once heard a song called "The 12 pains of Christmas." How sad is that? When we focus on less important things, we lose the beauty of the Christmas carols we love. We lose the spirit in our hearts. We lose faith. In a world with so much tragedy, I hope we can keep focused on Christ and love.

This Mormon Message is about a little girl who, while the rest of her family is worrying about the worldly things, remembers why we have Christmas and who it is celebrating.
What can you do to keep Christmas focused on Christ?
"Christmas Spirit"
Muchas veces durante Navidad, somos ocupados con otras cosas y no en la razón por Navidad: Cristo. Sé que a veces yo era ocupada con cosas para comprar y pruebas para escuela o comida para una fiesta pero, también, sé que cuando nos enfocamos en Cristo, nuestro Salvador, quien nació y murió por nosotros, somos más bendecidos. Cuando recordamos nuestro rey de reyes, Señor de señores, nuestro Redentor, tenemos el espíritu de Navidad y sentimos paz y amor. Cuando tenemos esto, Navidad es un tiempor especial. 

Una vez, escuché una canción se llamaba, "Doce dolores de Navidad." Que triste! Cuando nos enfocamos en cosas que no son importantes, perdimos la razón por Navidad. Nos perdimos el espíritu. Nos perdimos fé. En un mundo con muchas cosas malas, espero que podamos enfocarnoes en Cristo y amor.

Este video es sobre una niña que ayudó su familia a recordar porque tenemos Navidad. 
Qué ud. puede hacer para recordar Cristo durante Navidad?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Charity Through a Coat

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. Why? Because of a lot of reasons. One of which is people are more giving because they are remembering Christ, their Savior. The world seems like a more kind and happier place. It is filled with the Christmas spirit, or love. This love leads us to be more charitable. Charity is, according to Moroni 7:47, the pure love of Christ.

Christ loves each of us so much, individually. He died for each of us individually. He suffered for each of us individually. We are counselled in Ephesians 5:1-2, "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour." This is saying we need to love others as Christ has shown love for us by giving of His life.

The following video is of a boy who had this charity. He did something nice for someone else. With Christmas coming, what nice, charitable things can we do to give as a gift to Christ and help our fellowman?
"The Coat" Mormon Message

Monday, December 2, 2013

Importance of Church

Recently, I have met many people who talk about how they do not need to go to church to have a relationship with God. This is true. You do not have to be in a church to worship God.

Alma said, "Behold I say unto you, do ye suppose that ye cannot worship God save it be in your synagogues only? And moreover, I would ask, do ye suppose that ye must not worship God only once in a week?" (Alma 32:10-11).

However, church is still important. God has commanded us to "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." (Exodus 20:8). And, from modern revelation, we know that to keep the sabbath day holy, we are told that, "...thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day; For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High;" (D&C 59:9-10).
In a Conference Address during the October 2013 conference, Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, in "Continually Holding Fast," talks about the importance of church and small decisions to go to church.

He begins by talking about how his grandmother and grandfather chose to go for a joy-ride instead of Sacrament meeting. This led to them falling away from the church. Because of this, they were led, "away from the Church with its safety, security, and blessings," (emphasis added).

These blessings are very important. We receive them when we are obeying God's commandments. One of these commandments is baptism.

Elder Hamilton said, "At baptism we covenanted to stand as a witness of the Savior, to succor the weak and the needy, to keep the commandments of God, and to repent as needed...Each week we have the opportunity to attend a sacrament meeting, where we can renew these covenants...This simple act allows us to once again pledge ourselves to follow Jesus Christ and to repent when we do fall short. God's promise to us in return is His Spirit as a guide and protection." What great blessings! When we are baptized and keep our covenants, we are blessed. When we go to church, we can partake of the Sacrament and renew those covenants and be made clean again.

Who does not want to be clean again?
Some think church is simply too long. Elder Hamilton explained the three hours in a simple manner that I think helps show why they are each so important. He states, "Sacrament meeting provides the opportunity to participate in the ordinance of the sacrament. We renew our covenants, receive an increased measure of the Spirit, and have the additional blessing of being instructed and edified by the Holy Ghost. Sunday School allows us to 'teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom,' that all might be' edified and rejoice together.' Great power and personal peace come as we understand the doctrines of the restored gospel. Priesthood meetings are a time for men and young men to 'learn [their] duty' and to 'be instructed more perfectly,' and Relief Society meetings provide the women of the Church an opportunity to 'increase their faith... , strengthen [their] families and homes, and help those in need.'" (emphasis added).

I know when we follow the Lord's commandments we will be blessed. I also know that when we go to church, we are edified and uplifted. I have seen the blessings of going to church in my life: my week is better, I feel the spirit stronger, I am cleansed from my sins, and I learn more about my Savior. I know God lives and loves us all and that is why He gives us commandments- to help us be better and receive of His blessings. I hope you choose to go to church, and all of church, to receive of the blessings of the Lord. To find out more about "Mormon" church services, or to find a meeting house near you, click here!

For the whole talk by Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, go here. Para Español: aquí.